Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Rynox7 2.0

So its been a long time sense my last post. life as it always does moves on and there is much to take the time to lay down in the written word. For now I just continue on with this little gem.

Behold Rynox7 2.0!

Now for those that are going what the difference? I'll tell you...

Rynox7 now is equipped with a Nvidia 9800GTX 512 ver.2 video card and a XION 800 watt modular power supply. A friend of mine bought the card under my recommendation for his home theater PC. Long story short his case was to small for the card and he was going to be stuck paying a restock fee, (BOO NEWEGG! Honestly people www.tigerdirect.com Way better service and much better prices) so I manned up and offered to buy the card (with the wifes approval). When I got it home, being the amazing tech that I am, made sure that it would work in my system. I knew the case was going to be fine, (look in that thing the case is HUGE!) but I was concerned about the power. My little 500W simply was not going to be enough. Thus the new supply. So since this system was becomeing my little experement into case modding, (more on that later) I wanted to get a supply that would

A. Provide enough power while still being efficient.
B. Looked nice.
C. Allowed for advanced cable management techniques that would provide better airflow.

Look at the pics and you would see that I think I fould the ALMOST perfect one.

800 watts of power while being a member of the power supply 80 bronze club. That means that at least 80% of the power coming into the supply is actually converted into power for the system. Only 20% is wasted in the conversion from AC to DC power. Not many know this but the average power supply in a home PC is only 30% to 50% efficient. Think about that when you get your power bill.

Looked nice. um... It's a tech thing really but compaired to a grey steel box... much better.

Advanced cable management.
It's modular. Rather then have all the cables that I dont use bound up and hidden away, I only use the ones I need. As you can see I only used half of the cables. Now the motherboard cables are still hard wired. Honestly I'm ok with that, they just needed to be a bit longer (this is the part that made it almost perfect). This supply has the standard 4pin mobo cable as well as the newer 8pin one. The 8 pin was just hidden in the back. One cable to run the video card. One cable to run all the drives. One cable to run all the fans. All the cables are tied up and out of the way for good air flow.

Mission accomplished.

In the future rynox7 2.1 will get its post. Some case modding to show. See ya then.