Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rynox7 LIVES!!!!!!

So the tax man was kind to me this year. I was able to get caught up on all my oustanding debts that I owed some people and so the wife demanded that I get something for myself. Her reasoning is that she can never get me to do it any other time of the year so now would be the only time we had the money to do so. I told her that i really wanted a new PC as the last one I built was going on 4 and half years old now. It was not having issues or like and in fact is a quite a good system for its time. However its time had come. I present to you Rynox7.

Ok so time to turn tech on you.
AMD Phenom 2 920 quad core 2.8ghz CPU
4gb Corsair Dominator 1066 ram
Asus M378A-T Motherboard 790GX NB and 750 SB
XFX 8800gt OC 512mb
Thermaltake truepower 500 watt power suppy
Westerndigital sata 2 250g 7200rpm drive
Liteon SATA lightscribe DVD burner
Coolermaster CM690 midtower case

Yes the Vidcard is dusty. I cleaned it later. I'm running Win XP and Windows 7 beta 7000 build. I have to say, Windows 7 is very nice. It is totally my main OS at the moment. We shall see what Microsoft does, but they could release this beta now and the market would gobble it up.

Anyway the system is a dream, after some beginning issues getting the ram to run at the right speed and configuring how the ram functions (ganged vs unganged mode look it up lots of info on what they do but little on how to actually set it...), it runs like a dream. I was playing WoW, running Itunes, had vent up, Yahoo chat too, firefox all churning away and not one of them flinched. Even WoW was turning in some very nice frame rates in Dalaran where all the cool peeps hang out. On my old system I could have been doing this, but it would be choking somewhere. Now, it seems that the new system is begging for more.

I am very pleased with how this came together and I'm sure that for long times to come this system will get teched and messed with for a long time. If anyone out there in the void has any questions or comments feel free. Pc hardware is a small passion of mine and I love talking shop with anyone that will listen...