Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Random thought...

Time goes where it always does: into the past like grains of sand slowly blowing away, with only our memories to remind us of moments, commonplace then, but precious in retrospect.

The above was my response to my wife telling me that our son was feeding himself scrambled eggs and drinking out of his sippy cup all by himself. No need for her to do anything but give more food if requested. She commented that he seemed so big now and she asked "where does the time go?"

Every moment of our lives little things go by. Some good some bad, but always what was meant for you. Enjoy your life. If more people took the time to stop slow down and savor each moment that passes into the maw of the past, there would not be time for all the ugliness and pain that they run so hard from...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Now for a taste of things to come

My Boy turns 1 today.

One year.
Where did the time go?
Is this going to be what its like when...
I seem him drive alone for the first time?
tells me about this girl...
heads off to college... or the military...
calls me to tell me that his wife is pregnant...

where does the time go?
why are there so many good and wonderful memories that seem a ripple in the river of time...

why cant I slow it down and savor each one...

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Mating call of the Wailing Yeti.

The first post. What will define this blog to its readers for as long as it exists. I think it best to explain why I chose the name that I did. I used to blog on the myspace account for a good long time, until my job blocked it off. So when I decided to try my hand at it again I came here. I was first asked to pick a name. The following jumped into my mind and the name Wailing yeti was not taken so, that was that. Below are 2 posts to myspace and thus the name.

Saturday, October 22, 2005
The mating call of the wailing yeti.
Current mood: dirty
Category: Blogging

Well yet another working Friday has come to a close. It was a good day, got what need doing. No major issues and no ID-10-T errors from my users. I love computer stuff, as you can tell, but there are times when stuff about them can be so… annoying. For instance anyone of us IT geeks will tell you that if you go to fix one thing you WILL find other issues to address. For instance, one of my users CD-ROM drives stopped working. Turns out the drive mechanism for the tray broke. I told her to stop using it as a cup holder and said that I’ll go grab a spare and replace it right quick. Mind you she had to get a file off the CD and get it mailed off by the end of the day. No problem I thought. This will be quick I thought. A drive swap is so easy it took less then 5 minutes. (yes it really is this easy. The money you pay the Geek Squad for repair work is outrageous.) Well I power the thing back up, all is well, close it up, and begin to walk away. I was free, it was done, piece of cake and I looked like the hero.

Then I heard that sound.

The sound that makes every IT geek in the world cringe. The mating call of the wailing yeti.

With out getting techie on you and if you have not heard it for yourself I will describe. Imagine fingernails on a chalkboard in a circular motion at 2000 RPM. Ears bleeding yet? Good. The cause is almost always a fan in the case is old and needs cleaning and or lubing. No biggie right? WRONG. How many of your dust your living spaces? Why do you do that? Keep that in mind. How many of you clean out your computers as frequently as you dust your living space? Yeah, thought so. Little known fact, majority of "dust" is actually cast off skin from the living things that reside in the living space. Now imagine a work environment where the same person day in and day out is working next to that case. You usually find it down on the floor "cause it takes up so much space". Now imagine that I have to clean all that out in order to stop the mating call. Let’s just say that no matter the precautions you take, you always get "close" with a user of a PC whenever you clean one of them.

Oh well it comes with the job and in the end I really do love it. I just need to find my sinus meds and go OD on them.

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Saturday, November 05, 2005
The Yeti strikes back
Current mood: dorky
Category: Web, HTML, Tech

I don't believe this.

Yet again I have heard the mating call of the wailing yeti. From the same Pc no less. Talk about single minded. The funny thing is when my user called me I could hear it over the phone it was so loud. The second I walked in the room it stopped. IT actually tried to hide from me. Like it could go any where. I mean come on it’s a PC you can't move... yet.

So I open the thing and sure enough all is good from the looks of things. My Tech Geek senses are tingling. I begin to prod and poke around. Manually stopping the fan I know is causing the issue. I let it spin back up... nothing. Everything is going just like it should be. I suddenly feel much like those auto guys that says nothing is wrong and then 2 feet of the lot your car blows up. I'm better then that. I will fix this.

Now this is the part where every tech geek will say well duh. I then decide to test the fan again. Instead of using a screwdriver to get the fan to stop, I use my finger. The center point of the hub of blades is made of plastic and only rotating at about 2000 RPMs. I have done this so many times with no negative impact. I reach my finger in there and... I missed. My finger hits one of the plastic blades and i fell a slight odd sensation that I am not used to feeling. No red stuff but I bet that it will be sore for a while.

The fan then begins it wail. The stupid thing bit me. It actually laid in wait and bit me. At this point it was on. I took the little upstart and did a full clean and lube job. It is now totally silent. I hope it learned its lesson.

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So now you know. Welcome to my little world. Hope you enjoy the stay.